Welcome Message Welcome to Louis Knight Archives, your premiere source for everything related to British singer–songwriter Louis Knight. You may know Louis from his time on the eighteenth season of American Idol, from his partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Preventation (AFSP), or from his social media presence. As the first and only fan site dedicated to Louis, we strive to keep you up–to–date on everything related to Louis's career with the latest news, photos, videos and more! Please make sure to bookmark the site and check back often.
June 08, 2021 -
‘American Idol’ Stills & Instagram Story Captures
The photo gallery has been updated with HQ stills of Louis's run on American Idol, as well as captures from three Instagram stories over the...

May 06, 2021 -
2021 Captures Completely Finished
The gallery has been updated with captures from every remaining 2021 Louis–related video, including his Instagram story update from just a few hours ago! Check...

April 17, 2021 -
Captures & Candids Added to Gallery
The gallery has been updated with some new candids and captures from Louis's April 2021 social media videos. Check out the thumbnails and links below....

April 12, 2021 -
Live Stream Captures Added to Gallery
I'm very behind on getting these captures sorted and added, but I've finally gotten around to adding 4,652 captures from two live streams that Louis...

January 14, 2021 -
Louis Cancels Tonight’s Knight Jams Due to Illness
Sad news, everyone! Louis posted on his Instagram story earlier today that he would be unable to do a Knight Jams this evening, owing to...

October 25, 2020 -
Social Media Update: 21 October – 24 October
The gallery and video vault have been updated with Louis's social media updates from 21 October until yesterday, 24 October! Galley Links: Miscellaneous Photos >...