January 18, 2022 -
Site Maintenance

If you’ve visited the website at all this month, you may have noticed that it features an incredible new layout! The new look comes courtesy of Margos, and it was put up just in time for New Years!

The reason for the delay in this post is that I’ve been doing some intense maintenance on the website over the last few weeks; as the result of being a bit rusty on certain things when I started it, the gallery has long bugged me and the press section was in need of a serious overhaul.

As a result, the entire gallery was redone from the ground–up, and is current up until the end of 2020. I still need to go back in and add last year’s photos, but I’m thrilled with how much easier it came together this go–around and the navigation.

I also wanted to streamline the video section a bit now, so it now just features any officially uploaded videos from Louis and I’ve only retained his live streams in the social media section. This decision did not come lightly, but ultimately, I needed more space on my web hosting account. The press section was also reworked utilizing an incredible script courtesy of Never Enough Design, and is much more accessible now.

Please take a look around and I truly hope you enjoy the new looks!

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